
Gym & Casual Athletic Shorts


Stay cool and comfortable in a pair of adidas shorts, whether you're running on a hot summer's day, shooting hoops with your friends or just hanging out. Discover men’s and women’s shorts for all occasions, designed for comfort and performance without compromising on iconic style.


Women’s and men’s shorts from adidas are here for your sport, from working out in the gym to setting a new pace on the track. Stay cool and dry with athletic shorts that wick sweat away as your workout’s heating up. When on a run, additional features like reflective details help you to be seen day and night. Mesh panels add extra ventilation to keep you cool while small pockets let you stash your essentials. Compression shorts provide extra support for high-impact sessions.

On your day off from your workout, relax and recouperate in comfy and casual adidas shorts. Show your passion for sport with 3-Stripes biker shorts, or go for chino style shorts that elevate your style. However you wear them, adidas casual shorts are made for comfort so you can sport your 3-Stripes style on the go.