


Unleash your inner adventurer with adidas outdoor apparel, shoes and accessories. Whether you’re next hike, or want to take on a mountain biking challenge, we have you covered with our outdoor gear.

OUTDOOR GEAR from adidas

Whether hiking or biking, running or climbing, outdoor creators are connected by a simple truth: Something special happens when you escape the noise and connect with the trail. From hiking clothes to climbing shoes, adidas' wide selection of outdoor gear is designed for those who understand that getting out there is about more than just a change of scenery.


adidas outdoor gear is made to move with you with stretchy, durable fabrics designed to stand up to anything the trail throws at you, whatever your activity. Climalite technology wicks away moisture on days when the mercury’s rising. For chilly hikes, Climawarm insulation helps you maintain body temp while Climaproof wards off the wetness.